What We’re Reading: 8 Time Management Techniques For Busy People

Most time management advice - to me at least - sounds too obvious and too easy.

By Sam Robinson

The article: 8 Time Management Techniques For Busy People by Jay R. Young at Forbes

What I think: Most time management advice – to me at least – sounds too obvious and too easy. If it was that simple, why can’t anyone get it right??!! My number one tip works for me, but it may not work for you. Saying that, it has helped me get stuff done even when everything feels stuck. My number one tip: 

  1. Do one thing.  
  2. Finish it! 
  3. Don’t worry about it being perfect, just finish it. 
  4. Go back to point 1. 

Sounds easy? It’s not! If you have 15 other screens, apps or tabs open right now, you’ll know what I mean. But it works for me. 

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