The LKS Quaero team are acutely aware that leading a public sector organisation involves managing a complex web of relationships and stakeholders, especially when it comes to implementing change. Our team has an in depth understanding of current and future challenges within local government, and leverage this expertise to deliver practical solutions with tangible outcomes.
We deliver our accredited training in partnership with Skills Recognition International, RTO no. 32373, for enrolments from 1 March 2024.
We conducted a whole of organisation culture review and a salary structure review for Kempsey Shire Council, grounded in a leadership and culture assessment. Council adopted the recommendations of this project, including a whole of organisation capability framework and a comprehensive organisational transformation program underpinned by a fresh operating model and capability framework.
We subsequently commenced a multi-tiered leadership program at Kempsey that incorporated leadership and culture training at all levels.
We undertook a comprehensive review and analysis of Georges River’s customer service delivery. This involved assessment of how well Council meets its customer expectations and recommendations for improvements to its service model from the first point of contact to the final resolution.
As part of this work, we conducted extensive consultation and customer journey mapping and provided Georges River with a future state needs analysis, gap analysis, assessment scorecard, operating model, and implementation plan.
This project comprised a review, analysis (including an intensive assessment of stakeholders and communities of interest), and business case development for three rural South Australian Councils in three scenarios: maintaining separate Councils, shared services, and establishment of a regional body. This enabled the Councils to develop the right approach to the future for their communities.
This project involved documentation and assessment of Barossa’s current services and their associated services levels, as well as the degree of alignment between these and the Council’s strategic planning framework.
We focused on forming recommendations for the efficiency and viability of services, developed an accurate picture of the Council’s costs (direct and supporting), and recommended specific useful targets and measures. We developed customer service metrics (rather than simply technical, internally focused metrics) to support this work.
Our service model and scorecard methodologies gave Barossa a solid basis for future service planning and progress measurement.
We conducted a review of the extent to which the Council was operating in an effective and efficient manner, engaging the leadership to clarify strategic direction. This included assessing leadership capability, alignment of plans and resources to strategy, and options for transforming the organisation, including structurally.
Following this, we assisted the City of Unley to refresh its Community Plan and develop its Delivery Plan against a Target Operating Model, grounded in a PESTEL analysis and Elected Member workshopping. In this way, we linked clear vision and goal statements to practical targets and measures.
This fees and charges review was to assure Council that its fees and charges were comparable with the market, legally compliant, transparent, and underpinned by sound policy and pricing strategies. We conducted a current state analysis, provided improvement opportunities, and helped set the fees and charges direction and governance for this newly formed Council.
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