What Makes Us and Our Leadership Development Programs Different?


In short, our programs are different because they are relevant, practical, sustainable and proven.

Lots of organisations have previously invested a lot of time and money on leadership development. That programming might have given people a good set of skills and it might have built team cohesion – or the results might not have been commensurate with the investment. There’s nothing wrong with cohesive teams and improved skills, but these things aren’t that useful if the leadership development wasn’t ultimately geared towards improving results. Without a common language, toolkit, and framework for leadership that everyone uses and knows works, the results will fall flat.

We work to genuinely help our clients solve their problems and we tailor our programs to meet their specific needs. The programs are different to anything else available as they are very tightly connected to what the organisation wants to achieve. Each program begins with the senior leadership presenting the context of what’s happening in the organisation at the moment and how the program is connected to what our clients want to achieve as a whole.

We help our clients to succeed by looking at the impact of how they’re leading. What we do doesn’t just fall out of a textbook or a pet theory: every model is based on our hands-on experience in industry. We equip participants with problem-solving tools that work and show them practical examples of success. We’re less interested in particular methodologies and frameworks than we are interested in results that can be improved and sustained for the long term. We believe that skills should be built to achieve a particular outcome, not for their own sake.

The programs that we run are also different from other training programs because they’re not an opportunity to switch off from work for a couple of days and passively absorb theory. The programs are engaging and interactive, with multiple teaching methods employed each session, including individual, paired, and group work, and participants sharing the teaching themselves. We use a consistent toolkit with documentation and subject matter experts from the organisation itself. We challenge participants to make sure the knowledge is being absorbed and applied all the time to what’s happening in their organisation. It’s an interactive style that leaves participants tired but happy because they’ve learned.

Each unit of competency has at least one assessment task, each requiring a real improvement in their organisation. The impact on the organisation builds from there. For example, if you have 12 participants in a program, each completing the 12 units required for a Certificate IV Leadership and Management (delivered through our RTO partner, Australian College of Mining RTO no. 110084), the organisation will gain a minimum of 144 improvements per program, confirmed with the participant’s manager as part of the assessment.

Participants are struck by how distinctive our leadership development program is, and how different it is from anything else that they’ve done. The core of our difference is that we expect participants to make demonstrable improvements to their organisation.

At LKS Quaero, we help organisations with effective leadership and culture programs that stick. If you’d like to know more, visit us at lksquaero.com or follow us on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.