How We Help Clients to Solve Problems


This is part of a series on LKS Quaero’s leadership development programs, published in advance of our 2018 Public Program in Newcastle. You can book your ticket for our Leading for Change (Advanced) Diploma program or book your ticket for our Leading for Change (Essentials) Certificate IV program now. Both programs are delivered through our RTO partner, Australian College of Mining RTO No. 110084.

It’s hard to see all the way around a problem when you’re in the middle of it.

Organisations come to us with various levels of understanding of what their problem might be. Whether or not you have a solid idea of what the problem is in your organisation, clear and impartial analysis is crucial for getting the full picture. It’s vital to identify the problem and understand it properly before constructing any solutions. At LKS Quaero, we start with defining the problem really well, in useful context.

Clients approach us with a number of different ideas about what’s happening. Perhaps they’ve identified the culture as a problem, or safety, or something else entirely. We keep digging down and asking “how do you know that’s the problem?” Often, this process leads to our clients realising that at the bottom they actually have a leadership issue. We say that leadership creates the culture and it’s the culture that delivers the results – good or bad. If you want to improve the results or tackle the symptoms of the problem, you need to look at the impact of the culture and the leadership.

Whether our clients are aware that there is a problem, but aren’t quite sure what it is or how to define it, or whether there’s more sitting behind the highly evident problem, we recommend starting with a current state analysis.

A current state analysis paints the wider picture of how the organisation is currently operating. We have a figurative and literal look around the organisation, analysing and collecting data, talking to people, and examining symbols, systems used to organise work, and behaviour.

We have a number of tools to help organisations understand their current state: assessment tools for safety culture, leadership capability, and so forth, designed and tailored for the organisation, with scoring undertaken by staff, management, and consultants. We have tools and support for individuals, too, where we help people to understand and improve interpersonal skills like emotional intelligence through self-assessment, assessment done by others, one on one coaching, and feedback sessions.

You need a clear picture of the current state and the tools for understanding it, qualitative and quantitative. Only then can you design and reach the desired future state (the topic of our next entry in this series). We provide an impartial, consistent, and thorough approach to seeing both the forest and the trees when it comes to organisations’ current leadership and culture.

At LKS Quaero, we help organisations with effective leadership and culture programs that stick. Register your interest for our 2018 Public Program in Newcastle. If you’d like to know more, visit us at or follow us on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.