The Courage to Lead


We are very proud of the improvements made by graduates of our programs. Effective leadership is not an event – it is a continual process of changing the way people work for people to achieve their potential. This requires bravery: to admit that you can be better, to address a problem that may have been ignored for a long time, to have that difficult conversation.

Below is an excerpt from a reflection piece that one of our graduates completed as part of a series of Diploma Leadership & Management programs we are running in-house for a major transport and logistics organisation, through our partnership with the Australian College of Mining, RTO no. 110084.

The key takeaway from this subject for myself, was the importance of stepping back and having a helicopter view of the whole operation under my control. There is a lot of ‘stuff’ that happens within operations and getting bogged down with the unauthorised or unproductive issues can really impact your, and therefore the team’s effectiveness. If I was to be honest, it was even a little overwhelming to systematically filter through the whole operation and  see all my related accountabilities on one page.

[…]The unit gave me confidence in dealing with business management  challenges from high-level decision making to having a contagious behaviour worth catching. These are things I have prided myself on being good at in the past. Some self-reflection throughout the last six months has taught me to focus on being even better every day. There is never a moment where you don’t need to work on something as a leader and this will form part of the motivation for me to succeed in whatever I am doing.

The process of honest reflection isn’t easy. The struggle with confronting the truth is uncomfortable – but you know you’re doing it right when you feel some discomfort. It’s all part of the learning process. The results are more than worth it, both for the team and the individual leader.

The value of these subjects and resulting actions, visible to the group, was proven when clear improvements were evident. The team were receptive to information sharing and appreciated having input into innovations that will directly affect their daily work, which also, has a positive impact on the culture of the team. I have a firm belief that these topics will benefit myself and the team into the future. I am well equipped with the required tools to be able to facilitate continuous improvement in my area of accountability.

At LKS Quaero, we love talking about the results of our programs. We are currently delivering accredited (through our partnership with the Australian College of Mining, RTO no. 110084) and unaccredited programs across Australia to organisations large and small. For more information, check out our leadership practice page to learn what we offer.

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