We unearthed Chally from a pile of PowerPoints to ask her about her work.
Q. Tell us a bit about yourself.
A. I’ve worked at LKS Quaero for the better part of six years now. It’s work I really enjoy, but it wouldn’t have occurred to me to enter management consulting until a friend pointed out that it fits my skills and my interests precisely – I like helping people, and I like pulling apart systems and processes and making them better. It will not then surprise you to learn that I’m a big nerd who is curious about how everything in the world works and is always looking to learn something new.
Q. What do you enjoy most about your job?
A. There is always something different and new, and I enjoy supporting smart and dedicated people to make things work better for their organisation. It’s satisfying to unloose an organisation’s Gordian knot. In a nutshell, I like tackling seemingly intractable problems and equipping others to do the same.
Q. What are you most proud of in terms of the work you’ve done at LKS Quaero?
A. It’s difficult to pick from all the engagements I’ve been a part of – every sector and organisation is unique in their challenges and opportunities. I suppose that what I’m most proud of is a commitment to diligence and integrity in my work, down to the most detailed work on the most complex process map. I want to keep challenging myself to learn more and keep delivering the best work I can for our clients.
Q. What’s your favourite tool/toolkit?
A. My favourite tool is the plan-do-check-adjust continuous improvement cycle. When it comes to substantial change – or even minor change – many people and organisations give up when a couple of things don’t go as expected, or things get off track. It’s a simple and useful tool for accountability and making realistic and sustainable changes.
Q. What country would you most like to travel to and why?
A. I’d love to visit Japan. I’m keen on the rich cultural history, the food (both fancy and convenience), and all manner of hot springs and gardens. I’ve been very slowly reading a 11th century Japanese classic considered to be the world’s first novel, and hope to have it finished by the time I visit – it’ll certainly be too heavy to take on the plane!
To find out more about Chally’s work, visit us at lksquaero.com or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.