Recognising the Results: Kempsey Shire Council Transformation Program

We're proud to have supported Kempsey Shire Council's leaders and staff in their organisational transformation.

Cr Liz Campbell was recently profiled by the Australian Local Government Association and was asked about what has been the most rewarding work of her tenure. Cr Campbell has served Kempsey Shire Council as Mayor for many years, working hard to support the Macleay Valley community and foster the facilities, services, and opportunities that they deserve. For the most rewarding part of these achievements, she nominated the decision to engage LKS Quaero for a comprehensive organisational review and consequent transformation program that saw a redesign of Kempsey’s structure and culture.

“We are now seeing the results of that decision, with projects being managed to a higher standard; a cohesive and engaged workforce; financial management working towards a balanced budget goal; stronger community engagement, and transparent reporting. 

“We have gained a reputation for credibility within the state and regions, and we have a growing positive reputation as a local government area that is great to live in and visit.”

This is work we have been very glad to support.

You can read more about the results of our work with Kempsey Shire Council – including the awards Kempsey has won and what staff are saying now – in our Council Leadership Turnaround Case Study.

The outcomes of our Rebuilding the Shire program with Kempsey are:

  • Establishment of new leadership team empowered to sustainably lead the program through formalised program governance
  • Development of service models to document and transition each service to the desired future state on a consistent basis
  • Recruitment of senior leaders, including Leadership Capability Assessments using a custom capability framework. The assessment was against objective criteria and testing real skills using detailed scenarios
  • Delivery of Diploma Leadership and Management to Kempsey’s managers, and subsequently delivery of Certificate IV Leadership and Management to its junior leaders

Comprehensive transformation is not easy work, and neither is making it last. We’re proud to have supported Kempsey Shire Council’s leaders and staff in their organisational transformation. Now, both the organisation and the community are reaping the rewards as the positive impact of this program continues to grow.

At LKS Quaero, we support our clients to create and sustain positive and productive organisations. For more information, visit us at or follow us on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.